
What we do


We provide on-site and remote consulting to clients that wish to work with Free and Open Source technologies for the following roles:

  • Project Manager
  • Architect
  • Team lead
  • Developer
  • Tester


We provide on-site and remote support for Free and Open Source technologies, even for those we do not work with yet.
Given that new softwares and products are created every day, we ensure we are always competent enough to support new products on client requests.


We provide on-site and remote development to build new products or adapt/fork existing ones. We focus on Java and Golang but we develop in all the big languages.
Whichever language you use, we’ll be happy to give you a personal quote!

Custom request

Whatever your need is, we’ll be happy to find a way to support your needs and provide you with a custom quote.

Closed Source and Proprietary solutions

As it is not always possible to rely solely on Open Source products, we also support closed source and proprietary products.

Get in touch and tell us what you need and we’ll get back to you!